My first Kindergarten Camp.

My first Kindergarten Camp.
My first Kindergarten Camp group.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday Camp

My daughter, who attends Tuesday Camp, said this was her favorite camp yet!  We are gearing up for the holidays around here and stayed busy today.  The girls did Stage 1 of a secret present they are making for their parents, which will end in a beautifully wrapped box for them to put under the tree for Mom/Dad.  They also finished their Holly Berry Trivets (Thank you Grandma D for operating the glue gun for us) AND made a super cute Christmas pillowcase.  Check out my "silly gooses" below:

We read three holiday books together and sampled the fudge I made for "Mom's Night Out Christmas Camp" on Thursday.
There is a spot becoming available in this camp next semester.  Please contact me if you are interested in sending your daughter to weekly Tuesday Camp.

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