My first Kindergarten Camp.

My first Kindergarten Camp.
My first Kindergarten Camp group.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Boys' Valentine Camp!

Yesterday my house was filled with BOYS!  :)  I think they all had a good time creating some treasures to take home.  My favorite part of the day, by far, was listening to them come up with fortunes for their Valentine Fortune Cookies....after listening to little girl fortunes for two camps straight (some of which are published in a recent post), this was.....surprising, entertaining and fascinating.  I should have had a grad student in need of a thesis topic here to see the difference between boys and girls.  MOST of the boys' fortune suggestions highlighted:  Poop and death and sports.  The girls highlighted words: Love, flowers, rainbows and puppies!  :)  Kids are the greatest.  Here is a look at how the day went:

From the photo above, you can see they don't really sit still.  Next time I am incorporating a break in the middle to play an outside game to get their wiggles out.  I am learning.  :)

And last but not least, what my bathroom sink looked like afterwards! LOLOL.  This is PAINT from a handstamp craft, NOT  blood!  :)   Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this made me chuckle and I love the action photo. The only one you can really see is Tatjana because she's sitting still! As usual Aidan came home very excited about all his creations and even explained in great detail how to make the ice cream cones. These camps are so great Chrissie!
