My first Kindergarten Camp.

My first Kindergarten Camp.
My first Kindergarten Camp group.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Each of my "Bare Foot Campers" made a homemade pizza to take home to feed their appreciative  families tonight!  We had such  fun.  JUST as we were finishing putting the cheese on, THE ICE-CREAM man came through the cul-de-sac...what's a mom to do?  Send 8 rushing, screaming, happy, darling girls outside to stop him OF COURSE.  Popsicles all around.  We had a really, really fun day today.  Thanks to all the parents who lend me their daughters for creative play!
We also read "Heart Bread." This is SUCH a great book for kids, about how there are 2 kinds of breads.  Bread of flour and yeast, like we made today and "Heart Bread" where you make bonds and trust with people you love that make you feel safe and special.  The girls were so quiet as I read this.  It was the perfect fit.  I put a link to it to Amazon if you want really special book to add to your collection.  I highly recommend it.

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