At Bare Feet Creations, children create artistic heirlooms and delicious food. We form friendships as we celebrate the seasons, while learning art, crafts and homemaking skills.
My first Kindergarten Camp.

My first Kindergarten Camp group.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Facebook Page
Bare Feet Creations' has a Facebook Page, and it is a frequently updated Facebook page! It is so easy for me to update the Facebook page from my phone, that I have been using that to keep in touch with you all. Please check there for lots of photos and news from Bare Feet Creations. I will be updating this sight soon.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Bare Feet Creations Face Book Page
Happy Summer!
Please follow me on Face Book by "liking" Bare Feet Creations! I update that site more often than this one, since it is so easy with my iphone.
Also, please remember, if you are doing any shopping on Amazon, to please use any Amazon link off this page and a small percentage of your (confidential) shopping will go to Bare Feet Creations' supply account. Just click any Amazon link right here in order to reach the Amazon site, then by placing an order,this process of depositing funds to BFC will occur. I can't see who orders what, but do get a small percentage back.
Please follow me on Face Book by "liking" Bare Feet Creations! I update that site more often than this one, since it is so easy with my iphone.
Also, please remember, if you are doing any shopping on Amazon, to please use any Amazon link off this page and a small percentage of your (confidential) shopping will go to Bare Feet Creations' supply account. Just click any Amazon link right here in order to reach the Amazon site, then by placing an order,this process of depositing funds to BFC will occur. I can't see who orders what, but do get a small percentage back.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
New Summer One Day Camp!
Go Green Camp!
For Boys and Girls!
(Re-usable sandwich bags and Kleen Kanteen Art)
Thursday July 7, 9:30-12:30 OR
Monday July 18, 9:30-12:30
$36.00 (includes lunch)
Send your kiddos with me for the morning and they will sew their own re-usable lunch baggies. They will come home with 4 baggies (2 small snack size, 2 larger sandwich size). These can be washed out by hand and re-used over and over. Go Green!
Also, the kids will bring their own Kleen Kanteen and we will learn to draw a fancy initial (or symbol, like a peace sign?) on them with my special paint pens. It will stand out from the rest, making it easy to see which Kanteen is yours. Then I will seal the artwork with a clear coating. (Hand wash only). Plus we will make lemonade to put in our Kleen Kanteens!
We will have a comfy reading time, lunch time and some play time too. Email me to sign up:
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Father’s Day Camp for boys and girls!
Thursday June 16, 9:30-12:30
$36.00 (includes lunch and supplies)
Does Dad love to Barbecue? Then this camp is for YOU! We will be making our own dry rub (that works on beef, chicken, pork or lamb). We will package the dry rub in a cute container that we decorate. Then we will make our own Barbecue Sauce and decorate it’s container. The kids will make a Father’s Day card using fingerprint art and will have their gifts all packaged and ready by pick-up time. Kids will love having dad use the recipes they made! We will read some “Dad”stories and the kids will receive a healthy lunch.
Presently, I am offering 3 weeklong sessions of camps for girls! Contact me if you would like a spot for your daughter!
3. Photo Marble Magnets: Your child will need to come to camp with up to 8 photos that will fit about 1” to 1 ½ inch magnets. We will attach these special photos to clear marbles and add magnets to the back. These look so cute on the fridge or make great gifts for grandparents and aunts and uncles. The girls can make up to 8 magnets. If you don’t have any photos to provide, then the girls will use magazine pictures or create their own.
4. Finger Jello: We will make layers of different colored and flavored jellos that can be cut and eaten with fingers.
5. Cupcakes! We will decorate cupcakes with colored frostings and sprinkles and bring some home for the family to enjoy!
Color Camp for Girls
June 20 -24 9:30AM -12:30
$125.00 (includes lunch and supplies)
Bare Feet Creations’ Week long camps are super fun. There is ample time at the art table, where the girls will be making creations that will either go home with them the day they make them, OR at the end of the week after they either dry, or need another step added. Each day will have a healthy lunch provided and story time and outside water play (so bring a swimsuit and towel). Occasional treats, like popsicles or otter pops, will be provided.
1. Home made Stickers: The girls will get a chance to create some small art scenes. Then we will paint the back of their art with a homemade, food grade “stick” that they can later lick and add their own stickers to special papers. They can make as many as they like.
2. Write a story book and illustrate it with scratch and Sniff Water Colors: On this day we will read some of my favorite Scratch and Sniff books and then head to the craft table to make their own small, short story with paints we MAKE that are scratch and sniff! 3. Photo Marble Magnets: Your child will need to come to camp with up to 8 photos that will fit about 1” to 1 ½ inch magnets. We will attach these special photos to clear marbles and add magnets to the back. These look so cute on the fridge or make great gifts for grandparents and aunts and uncles. The girls can make up to 8 magnets. If you don’t have any photos to provide, then the girls will use magazine pictures or create their own.
4. Finger Jello: We will make layers of different colored and flavored jellos that can be cut and eaten with fingers.
5. Cupcakes! We will decorate cupcakes with colored frostings and sprinkles and bring some home for the family to enjoy!
Cooking Camp for Girls
June 27 –July 1 9:30AM -12:30
$125.00 (includes lunch and supplies)
Bare Feet Creations’ Week long camps are super fun. In this week’s session your girls will come home with LOTS of cookies to share with their families (or dogs) every day. We will also be decorating their own recipe box they will take home at the end of the week. They will receive the recipes each day of the item we make to include in their recipe box. Each day will have a healthy lunch provided and story time and outside water play (so bring a swimsuit and towel). Occasional treats, like popsicles or otter pops, will be provided.
1. Ice-Cream in a bag!
2. Peanut Butter/ Chocolate Cookies (think peanut butter cups, but better).
3. Frosted Sugar Cookies
4. Rice Crispy Treats
5. Dog Cookies
Greatest Hits Camp for Girls
July 11- 15 9:30AM -12:30
$125.00 (includes lunch and supplies)
Bare Feet Creations’ Week long camps are super fun. In this week’s session we will do all kinds of cool stuff, in fact, the activities that I have noticed from working with children, that they like the best. Every day your child will also receive a healthy lunch, so when you pick up, your child is fed. We will have outside time and story time and occasional treats, like otter pops.
1. Gold Fish Crackers: The kids LOVE making their own, crazy delicious Gold Fish Crackers. They will roll the dough, cut them out and bake them, sample them and take lots home. The recipe is included.
2. Lemonade: We will squeeze our own lemonade and in this camp, we will make enough for the kids to take some home in their own pitcher to share with their families. Kids just love this and feel such pride in sharing with their families.
3. Hair Clips: We make really cute clips at Bare Feet Creations. The kids get so very involved, that they are quiet, creating masterpieces at the table. I have We will make some old favorites and newer varieties too.
4. Pillowcase: We will make a summer themed pillowcase. The kids sit at the machine with me and actually sew their own. I love watching their confidence grow as they realize “I MADE THIS!” It is an heirloom they can keep for years.
5. Treasure Hunt: My treasure hunts are so fun. I make them so every child gets a chance to read a clue and find a treasure so that it is fair. After the treasures are found, we decorate a container to keep them in.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Mother's Day!
I have spots available in a Girl's Mother's Day camp that is ironically the Monday AFTER Mother's Day...I can't tell you what we are making, but I can tell you they LOVE making it and you will love it. Contact me if you want to send your girl and have a little Mother's Day extension :)
I have been busy with kids all week making this craft, but I CAN'T post pictures! I can't ruin your suprise!
Happy Mother's Day! Hope we all have a relaxing, loving weekend.
I have been busy with kids all week making this craft, but I CAN'T post pictures! I can't ruin your suprise!
Happy Mother's Day! Hope we all have a relaxing, loving weekend.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Recent Camps!
HI everyone!
Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. It has been a very busy few weeks for me!
I have a Face Book Page: Bare Feet Creations and can post their fast and easily from my phone. Please "like" me there and check in. Sometimes the photos are different from here.
It has been EASTER around here! We made handprint Easter basket wall hangings, we painted wooden eggs and sprayed them with sealer, and we made the cutest little carrots.
Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. It has been a very busy few weeks for me!
I have a Face Book Page: Bare Feet Creations and can post their fast and easily from my phone. Please "like" me there and check in. Sometimes the photos are different from here.
It has been EASTER around here! We made handprint Easter basket wall hangings, we painted wooden eggs and sprayed them with sealer, and we made the cutest little carrots.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Spots in One Day Easter Camp!
Hey Everybody
I have a Girls's Easter Camp on THIS Monday the 11th. I have some openings if you would like to send your daughter! Contact me:
We will be making mini-wall hangings with stamped hands, painting Heirloom Easter Eggs and making heirloom carrot decorations.
I have a Girls's Easter Camp on THIS Monday the 11th. I have some openings if you would like to send your daughter! Contact me:
We will be making mini-wall hangings with stamped hands, painting Heirloom Easter Eggs and making heirloom carrot decorations.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Spring is here
This week in Kindgergarten Camp, after we finished making Peeps:
We then went outside and read several books cuddled on a blanket under a shady tree. Check out how adorable they are. I think this is one of my most favorite pictures of my Wednesday girls! It was probably my most favorite camp wtih them too and I think it shows.
We then went outside and read several books cuddled on a blanket under a shady tree. Check out how adorable they are. I think this is one of my most favorite pictures of my Wednesday girls! It was probably my most favorite camp wtih them too and I think it shows.
Monday, March 28, 2011
New Monthly Girl Camp Today!
Check out these cuties! I had such fun with a new group of kiddos. We made these pillowcases that showcase ice-cream and cakes, sure to bring "sweet" dreams to these sweet girls. We also made hair clips, bands, bobby pins and containers to hold them, and read stories under their choice of my quilts. Fun. I still have 4 spots available in this camp. Contact me if you are interested!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Week Long Girl Summer Camps!
Color Camp for Girls
June 20 -24 9:30AM -12:30
$125.00 (includes lunch and supplies)
Bare Feet Creations’ Week long camps are super fun. There is ample time at the art table, where the girls will be making creations that will either go home with them the day they make them, OR at the end of the week after they either dry, or need another step added. Each day will have a healthy lunch provided and story time and outside water play (so bring a swimsuit and towel). Occasional treats, like popsicles or otter pops, will be provided.
1. Home made Stickers: The girls will get a chance to create some small art scenes. Then we will paint the back of their art with a homemade, food grade “stick” that they can later lick and add their own stickers to special papers. They can make as many as they like.
2. Write a story book and illustrate it with scratch and Sniff Water Colors: On this day we will read some of my favorite Scratch and Sniff books and then head to the craft table to make their own small, short story with paints we MAKE that are scratch and sniff!
3. Photo Marble Magnets: Your child will need to come to camp with up to 8 photos that will fit about 1” to 1 ½ inch magnets. We will attach these special photos to clear marbles and add magnets to the back. These look so cute on the fridge or make great gifts for grandparents and aunts and uncles. The girls can make up to 8 magnets. If you don’t have any photos to provide, then the girls will use magazine pictures or create their own.
4. Finger Jello: We will make layers of different colored and flavored jellos that can be cut and eaten with fingers.
5. Cupcakes! We will decorate cupcakes with colored frostings and sprinkles and bring some home for the family to enjoy!
Cooking Camp for Girls
June 27 –July 1 9:30AM -12:30
$125.00 (includes lunch and supplies)
1. Ice-Cream in a bag!
2. Peanut Butter/ Chocolate Cookies (think peanut butter cups, but better).
3. Frosted Sugar Cookies
4. Rice Crispy Treats
5. Dog Cookies
Greatest Hits Camp for Girls
July 11- 15 9:30AM -12:30
$125.00 (includes lunch and supplies)
Bare Feet Creations’ Week long camps are super fun. In this week’s session we will do all kinds of cool stuff, in fact, the activities that I have noticed from working with children, that they like the best. Every day your child will also receive a healthy lunch, so when you pick up, your child is fed. We will have outside time and story time and occasional treats, like otter pops.
1. Gold Fish Crackers: The kids LOVE making their own, crazy delicious Gold Fish Crackers. They will roll the dough, cut them out and bake them, sample them and take lots home. The recipe is included.
2. Lemonade: We will squeeze our own lemonade and in this camp, we will make enough for the kids to take some home in their own pitcher to share with their families. Kids just love this and feel such pride in sharing with their families.
3. Hair Clips: We make really cute clips at Bare Feet Creations. The kids get so very involved, that they are quiet, creating masterpieces at the table. I have We will make some old favorites and newer varieties too.
4. Pillowcase: We will make a summer themed pillowcase. The kids sit at the machine with me and actually sew their own. I love watching their confidence grow as they realize “I MADE THIS!” It is an heirloom they can keep for years.
5. Treasure Hunt: My treasure hunts are so fun. I make them so every child gets a chance to read a clue and find a treasure so that it is fair. After the treasures are found, we decorate a container to keep them in.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Re: Fundraiser Camp
I am so looking forward to the Mom's Night Out Camp at the end of the week that I dontated as a fundraiser for Hooker Oak School. Moms (laughter and chatter), cupcake fondue, hanging flower decorations, and munchies! All the while, raising money to put into kids' classrooms!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Homemade Peeps!
My weekly girls camps will be making these YUMMMMMY homemade Peeps at the end of the month. My daughters and I had such fun making them today, on this rainy, Spring Break Tuesday.
Spots Still Available in new Monthly Girls Camp!
Monday, March 28 Hair Accessories-We will many different kinds of hair accessories. The girls will learn to make simple felt/wool roses to adorn head bands and hair clips. We will also make bobby pins. They will decorate a container to keep their accessories in AND the girls will also sew a special pillowcase they will treasure for years to come.
Monday, April 11 This camp will celebrate Easter! We will paint an heirloom wooden egg you can set out with year after year. We will stamp our hands with paint on an heirloom “quilt” wall hanging in the shape of an Easter Basket. Thumb prints become the “eggs” in the hand basket. We will also do another small Easter Craft.
Monday, May 9 We will make Gold Fish Crackers (so delicious). The girls will go home with a baggie full and the recipe so you can continue to make more at home together (after you taste them, I have a feeling you will want to make more). We will also make a brown sugar hand scrub, and make lemonade (always a favorite in my experience). They will go home with the cup they make lemonade in.
Monday, April 11 This camp will celebrate Easter! We will paint an heirloom wooden egg you can set out with year after year. We will stamp our hands with paint on an heirloom “quilt” wall hanging in the shape of an Easter Basket. Thumb prints become the “eggs” in the hand basket. We will also do another small Easter Craft.
Monday, May 9 We will make Gold Fish Crackers (so delicious). The girls will go home with a baggie full and the recipe so you can continue to make more at home together (after you taste them, I have a feeling you will want to make more). We will also make a brown sugar hand scrub, and make lemonade (always a favorite in my experience). They will go home with the cup they make lemonade in.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
St. Patty's Day
Today my Tuesday Girls made special St. Patty's Day pins with wool felt, shamrocks and pennies from the year of their birth.
First we cleaned the pennies by soaking them in fresh squeezed orange juice and salt. This solution is super cool; it smells good and works FAST!
Then the girls arranged their pins.
They also made each mixed up vanilla ice-cream, peppermint extract and green food coloring to make their own Shamrock Milk Shakes!
First we cleaned the pennies by soaking them in fresh squeezed orange juice and salt. This solution is super cool; it smells good and works FAST!
Then the girls arranged their pins.
Then they wore them on their shirts OR on their new, green bunny ears I gave them!
They also made each mixed up vanilla ice-cream, peppermint extract and green food coloring to make their own Shamrock Milk Shakes!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
ST. Patrick's Day Camp
These girls met this week for what I think might have been their most favorite camp ever! The girls made festive green colored gold fish crackers, and made Shamrock shakes by adding their own green food coloring and mint flavoring to vanilla ice-cream, each girl blending her own shake. We also made really, really cute pillowcases that have a "hint" of green, so they can't be pinched.
New Monthly Girls Camp
I have had several requests to open another Monthly Girls Camp :) These camps are such fun. The girls love coming together each months and I love watching their trust and friendships grow. Each camp includes a snack for your child in addition to the creations we make in the description. I created this Monthly Camp to last till the end of the school year. Soon I will be posting a Summer Camp schedule. By signing up fo this session of Monthly Camps you are committing to all three. Contact me ASAP if you are interested as it is already filling fast. $36.00 per month. 2:45-5:15
Monday, March 28
Hair Accessories-We will make many different kinds of hair accessories. The girls will learn to make simple felt/wool roses to adorn head bands and hair clips. We will also adorn bobby pins. The girls will decorate a container to keep their accessories in AND the girls will also sew a special pillowcase they will treasure for years to come.
Monday, April 11
This camp will celebrate Easter! We will paint an heirloom wooden egg you can set out to enjoy year after year. We will stamp our hands with paint on an heirloom “quilt” wall hanging in the shape of an Easter Basket. Thumb prints become the “eggs” in the hand basket. We will also do another small Easter Craft.
Monday, May 9
We will make Gold Fish Crackers (so delicious). The girls will go home with a baggie full and the recipe so you guys can make more at home (you will want to; these are YUMMY). We will also make a lovely, vanillla scented brown sugar hand scrub. This one is so fun to make and the girls will be so proud to share it withh their moms and friends at home. Lastly the girls will hand squeeze lemons to make lemonade (always a favorite in my experience). They will get to go home with the cup they make lemonade in.
Monday, March 28
Hair Accessories-We will make many different kinds of hair accessories. The girls will learn to make simple felt/wool roses to adorn head bands and hair clips. We will also adorn bobby pins. The girls will decorate a container to keep their accessories in AND the girls will also sew a special pillowcase they will treasure for years to come.
Monday, April 11
This camp will celebrate Easter! We will paint an heirloom wooden egg you can set out to enjoy year after year. We will stamp our hands with paint on an heirloom “quilt” wall hanging in the shape of an Easter Basket. Thumb prints become the “eggs” in the hand basket. We will also do another small Easter Craft.
Monday, May 9
We will make Gold Fish Crackers (so delicious). The girls will go home with a baggie full and the recipe so you guys can make more at home (you will want to; these are YUMMY). We will also make a lovely, vanillla scented brown sugar hand scrub. This one is so fun to make and the girls will be so proud to share it withh their moms and friends at home. Lastly the girls will hand squeeze lemons to make lemonade (always a favorite in my experience). They will get to go home with the cup they make lemonade in.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Pillowcases and Lemonade
It was a BEAUFIFUL day in Chico yesterday and it inspired us to sit outside to hand squeeze our own glasses of lemonade at camp. We were all so in the moment and had such fun. The girls added some sugar and mint from the garden and we slipped a fancy straweberry slice in each cup too.
The girls got silly with their extra cute pillowcases. The fabric is "Dog Yoga."
And so, Dog Yoga fabric inspired.....YOGA! Until next week!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Cookie Camps
This week in my weekly camps we made DOZENS of delicious chocolate chip cookies! We smelled the vanilla, as per tradition and tasted the chocolate chips before we added them, just to make sure they weren't bad. The girls also designed covors for their recipe books that my weekly camp kids get to take home at the end of the year!
Crafting with a Brownie Troop
I was so honored to volunteer my time with a Brownie troop this afternoon. My oldest daughter Jayne ran the camp with me. What an amazing group of girls they are. So very polite and cute and eager to learn. I taught them how to make wool roses and they loved doing it. They were able to make head bands, bobby pins and pins (That they immediately pinned to their Brownie vests like a "patch"). So cute! Thanks Coleen for sharing your girls with me! And thanks for the boxes of Girl Scout Cookies Girls! YUM. Thin Mints and Tags, my favorites.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Silly Gooses (you might say Geese)
The girls spontaneously made up this song today. When they saw the one camper from a different school, they got SO excited to all be together that they broke out in celebratory song! :) I love these kids.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Girl Scouts!
I am so excited about Thursday. I have been invited by a Sierra View School Girl Scout Troop to lead a craft afternoon. We will be making wool rose headbands and pins! I'll let you know how it goes.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
It was a week for playdough at camp. The kids loved it. We made our own and each girl got to put on plastic gloves and knead the food coloring of her choice into her dough....some chose to add vanilla or peppermint to it as well. Very fun. I am posting the recipe for you here:
You need lots of salt!
And lots of mixing (with smiles). Enjoy!
Bare Feet Playdough
2 Cups Water
1 Cup Salt
2 Cups Flour
2 TBLSP oil
4 tsp cream of tarter
food coloring or flavorings
Mix all ingredients in saucepan. Heat on low stirring until mixtrue thickens. Remove from heat and knead on a floured board as it cools.
You can omit the food coloring and/or flavoring and divide your dough in pieces, THEN add colors of flavors if you would rather :)
And lots of mixing (with smiles). Enjoy!
Bare Feet Playdough
2 Cups Water
1 Cup Salt
2 Cups Flour
2 TBLSP oil
4 tsp cream of tarter
food coloring or flavorings
Mix all ingredients in saucepan. Heat on low stirring until mixtrue thickens. Remove from heat and knead on a floured board as it cools.
You can omit the food coloring and/or flavoring and divide your dough in pieces, THEN add colors of flavors if you would rather :)
Sunday, February 13, 2011
A week off from Camps!
Last week, I took the week off to accompany my husband on his business trip to Disneyland!
We had such a nice break and a fun time and I collected TONS of inspiration for creativity at every could you not, right?
We had such a nice break and a fun time and I collected TONS of inspiration for creativity at every could you not, right?
Friday, February 4, 2011
Cake "Ice-Cream" cones!
These are so cute, festive, really delicious and very easy to make!
Thanks to my friend Susie Rees for sharing the recipe!
Bake a cake in a 9 x 13 pan. Let it cool. Crumble it in a big bowl--yes....crumble it up. Then stir in about a cup of frosting. I used chocolate cake and canned chocolate frosting (which, by the way, canned frosting is pretty much "against my religion," but the original recipe I sampled was created this way and it tasted so good I decided to make it the same way. This was the first time I made the recipe and next time I will use homemade frosting). Mix it well with a wooden spoon.
Form balls and set them on waxed paper. You can put them in the fridge or freezer to firm up if you would like.
Dip a cone in melted "candy melts" chocolates. Then add a cake ball. Set this in a mug to let that chocolate set for a few minutes. This holds the cake ball to the cone. THEN you can turn it upsie down and dip the cake ball in yummy chocolate. Embellish with sprinkles now if you want to, before the chocolate sets. (****If your chocolate gets "cranky" add a couple teaspoons of Crisco and melt it a bit more).
SIDE NOTES: Susie suggested adding ice-cream in the bottom of the cone, then making them and storing them in the freezer till serving..INTERESTING IDEA! I like it.
--Another friend suggested not using cake balls as described above, but instead making rice crispy balls, then dipping in chocolate. YUM!
So many endless and delicious ideas! Makes me happy. If you come up with another idea, post it for us here in the comments!
Happy Weekend!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Valentine Kindergarten Camp
Tuesday Camp Fun
My Tuesday girls and I had SO much fun this week. We were pretty busy...we made our Valentine Fortune Cookies and Lollipop flowers.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monthly Girls' Camp
My Monthly girls met today and we spent the afternoon in Valentine Bliss! What a lovely group of girls they are. Some girls are starting to sit at the machine to do some of the sewing of their pillowcases!
It is fun to watch their friendships grow as they create together.
I can't wait to see them again next month for a St. Patrick's Day!
We made Valentine Fortune Cookies!
Here the girls are pretending to be bats while hearing a funny Valentine story.
Lollipop flower Valentines!
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