My first Kindergarten Camp.

My first Kindergarten Camp.
My first Kindergarten Camp group.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pumpkin Season is open at Bare Feet Creations!

This week we are making chocolate chip pumpkin mini-muffins!  YUM!  My older girls came today and we whipped out a ton of mini-muffins.  My house if filled with the coziest, yummiest smell of Fall.  It's hot out, but we are still welcoming Fall here.
Here are the girls mixing the ingredients together.

Filling tiny tins is harder than you might think!  We all resisted the urge to lick our fingers and kept it "clean."

I just LOVE this last photo with one of my first grader's awesome art on her recipe page.  The girls will all go home at the end of the year with their own recipe book filled with recipes of the goodies we make here at camp.  The muffins are filling the skeleton basket, ready to greet parents when the arrive to pick up their girls. 


  1. I spy some cute measuring spoons!

  2. I spy a comment from a generous friend who knows me well enough to give the perfect gift. We love the measuring spoons. Thanks Auntie Tracy.
